My Philosophy:

Keep it simple, experiment, have fun.

My approach to life is both a philosophical and a practical one. The point, I think, is to have fun, to enjoy ourselves, and to grow and learn through an insatiable desire for freedom, connection, peace, joy, love, and creation.

I don’t believe there is one right way to live (and that includes eat!) and so ultimately, I don’t point in any direction other than back to you. To your heart, to your instinct, to your own intuitive guidance. The things I suggest are things that I have found valuable, that have shown me a bigger version of myself, that have taught me how to live in a way that feels harmonious with my body, my soul, my community, and my earth. You are free to take what you like and leave what you don’t.

Philosophy #1: Wellness is the natural state of things. We are always moving toward wellness. It might not look the way you think it should look.

Philosophy #2: The wellness of the earth, of the soil, of plants, of animals, and of humans are one in the same. We are all components of the living earth. When we can expand our sense of self to include all of it, we can make educated, compassionate choices that benefit not only ourselves, but the world at large. Sometimes we will make choices to benefit our smaller sense of self, sometimes our bigger sense of self. The point is not to be perfect or saintly or selfless. The point is to be flexible, aware, and balanced.

Philosophy #3: There’s no right answer. The goal is not to be perfect, nor is the goal to be the same as everyone else. What’s right for one person might not work for another person and what works for each person might change over time, and that’s fine.

Philosophy #4: There is a greater energy at play than our own individual wills. We always have agency over our choices, but we don’t always have agency over our circumstances or over the outcome of our choices.

Philosophy #5: Our minds are little chatter boxes. We have the opportunity to buy into what our thoughts are saying or not. It takes practice not to follow every thought down the rabbit hole, but it is possible and it is an incredibly straightforward path to freedom.